The purpose of this website.
This website serves as the platform where the stories and background information of the South African Defence Force military veterans who served from 1957 to 1994 can be preserved as part of the history of all the military veterans of South Africa. This electronic library may be of interest to fellow military veterans, families and friends of military veterans, military veterans from other countries, former adversaries, historians, researchers, writers and the Department of Military Veterans who want to ensure that the oral history of these military veterans is preserved. It also creates awareness of this project and invites military veterans to come and share their stories and background information too. This is a task which requires the participation of all the people who want this military heritage to be conserved, no matter if this contribution comes from granting an interview, recommending a veteran for an interview, subscribing to the member site, sponsoring an interview of a veteran or donating towards the running expenses of the project.
The Stories of the SADF Military Veterans Foundation NPC
The mission of The Stories of the SADF Military Veterans Foundation NPC is to ensure that as many stories possible of SADF military veterans are captured on film and made accessible on this website:
- firstly to the general public who may want to learn more about this part of our country’s military history here on the public site; and
- secondly to the SADF military veterans, supporters, sponsors and donors who make this project possible with their participation and financial support.
The Stories of the SADF Military Veterans Foundation NPC has the following goals with which it wants to complete its mission:
- The promotion of The Stories of the SADF Military Veterans website.
- The registration of the company as a Public Benefit Organisation which will allow donations to the company to be a tax-deductible expense in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (No 58 of 1962).
- The raising of funds through donations and sponsorships for the project
- The funding of the filming of new interviews by the production company, SADF Military Veterans Interviews Proprietary Limited, Registration number 2020/041167/07.
- The acquisition of existing film material for display on the website.
- The engagement with important stakeholders in the world of military veterans like the CMVO, its member military veterans organisations, military veterans on social media and the Department of Military Veterans to participate in the project.
- The reaching out to the former enemies against whom the soldiers of the South African Defence Force were deployed to film their stories for a balanced perspective.