The stories of the South African Defence Force military veterans
Welcome to this visual library where the oral history of the SADF military veterans is stored, a project supported by the Council of Military Veterans’ Organisations of South Africa (CMVO). The stories are short and to the point, filed in 4 main categories with different topics for each category. You can watch these stories, for free, by clicking on a topic to open all the stories currently stored under that topic. Then click on the name of the story instead of the photo to watch the story. If you want to see more stories published here, visit our our electronic shop and choose a new story you want to see published here.
If you want to search for clips relating to a specific year, military veteran, unit, military exercise or military operation please use the search buttons below:
Disclaimer: The stories on this website are the stories of the storytellers, as they perceived their experiences. The photos on this website were sourced from the internet. If you are the owner of any of these photos please contact us so that we can recognize you for that photo. If you pick up any inaccurate information on this website please report it to